48 Most Common Sales Objections and Tips to Cope With Them

admin November 3, 2022 - 11:58 am

Before every purchase, there is a prospect who is hesitant to buy the product. The prospect will give you various sales objection reasons. It is the salespeople’s job to do the objection handling. They need to understand what is going on in the prospect’s mind and how to overcome these objections that urge them to make the purchase.

Objection handling comes with a significant level of acquaintance and experience from time to time. To overcome the sales objection, Salespeople give rebuttals, or strategic responses to the issues which are arising from pricing, priority, lack of knowledge, timing, or irritation. 

But the one main benefit is that all of the customer objection examples fall into one of the four categories discussed below:

Types Of Objections

What are the 4 types of objections? Here is the answer to that:

  • Lack of Budget:

“It’s too expensive”

Every purchase comes with some level of financial risk. And this objection is frequently made that this product/purchase is too expensive.

You have to provide them with a solution that our product is worth purchasing. It is a matter of risk vs reward.

  • Lack of Trust:

“I’ve never heard of your company.”

In an inbound conversation, prospects have come across your content in the market or are familiar with your organization somehow. People like to make purchases with those they like, know, or trust. 

But in some conversations, it is the chance that they do not know you or your company. For this, you have to have a strong elevator pitch as well as you have to let them know your authority in the market.

  • Lack of Need:

“I don’t see how this can help me.”

It does seem like an objection but it is an opportunity to qualify the prospect with your product.

Ask open-ended or layered questions to the prospect to give them information and evaluate their needs. If you find the fit, leverage it to establish the value.

  • Lack of Urgency:

“[X problem] isn’t important for me right now.”

You have to identify here whether the prospect is brushing you off or he has any timing issues.

One way to get to know whether their response has factual time issues or they are just making unclear excuses is to ask them why is it not important.

If you come to the solution that they are doing backflips. You may have an opening and book an appointment with them to discuss issues deeply.

How To Overcome Sales Objection In 7 Steps?

Prepare yourself:

Prepare yourself for the call. You should have the prospecting research, objection list, sales objection, or response list in your hand.

Ready to Listen:

When it comes to sales and sales objections, active listening is the basic rule. Listen to the concerns of the prospect attentively without interrupting them. Make sure your body language assures them you are taking them seriously. Once they are done, answer them with empathy.

Understand the Prospect Point of View:

If any objections aren’t clear, ask them for clarification, keep asking open-ended questions, or repeat their objection to ensure that you are on the right track. It urges your prospect to keep sharing with you.

Soon you will realize that issue wasn’t the one they discussed before but the one they share with you after you keep asking them and empathizing with them.

Validate and Show that You are Concerned:

Don’t reject or underestimate what they have shared with you. Rather validate them and show them that you are concerned about their issues.

Act Swiftly:

Acting swiftly is good for overcoming sales objections. Start with the most important issue and then move on to the smaller objections without lingering them longer than they needed.

If you don’t have the answer to the objection, tell them you will talk to the higher authorities, and get back to you as soon as possible.

Plan the Whole First:

Propose a follow-up meeting or a call once you have provided the solution to the prospect’s sales objections issues.


Ask the buyer if they are happy with the solution you have provided. Before moving on, make sure they have no other concerns. If not, don’t move until all their concerns have been resolved.

Common Sales Objections And Their Responses

How to handle objections in sales examples and their responses are given below in detail which can help you get a better understanding of objection handling. You can also prepare the objection handling scripts after reading all the objections and their responses for ease.

Sales Objection About Price And Budget

  1. The product is too expensive

It is the most common type of objection. Note that when a prospect objects to this, he has every intention of buying. You must focus on the product value and not beat around the bush of pricing. Make them sure that the product is worth this price.

Objection: It’s too expensive.

Response: I would love to tell you about the features of this product and how will it solve the issues that you have shared with me.

  1. Shortage of money

It could be possible that the prospect business or job does not make enough money to afford your product. Track their growth and see where their offerings can fit with your services conveniently.

Objection: There is no money

Response: I understand. Permit me to explain our other offerings that better fit in with your budget.

  1. No budget left this year

In this objection, the prospect is telling you there is an issue in cash flow. If there is any serious problem, it needs to be solved. Either help them to guarantee the budget to buy now or arrange a follow-up call for when they expect the funding to return.

Objection: We don’t have any budget left this year.

Response: Let us schedule the follow-up call when you expect the funding to return. What do you think?

  1. Budget need somewhere else

By doing this objection, prospects want to set aside the resources for other use. You need to assure them the product is your priority that needs budget allocation now. Share with them how other companies have saved money, increased money, and had massive ROI.

Objection: We need to use that budget somewhere else.

Response: Tell them that the customer had the same issue and that purchasing our product raised their ROI.

  1. Stuck in a contract

Some people are hesitant about cash-based contracts. Luckily there are other solutions.  you can offer them other solutions like month-to-month or quarter-to-quarter payments instead of a full-year budget commitment.

Objection: I don’t want to get stuck in a contract.

Response: I understand. Allow me to share with you other payment schedules and contract terms that would be a better fit.

Sales Objection About The Competition

  1. Working with someone else

If the prospect is working with someone else, doesn’t mean they are happy with them. Pay special attention, find the problems they have with them and try to solve them by telling specialties about your product.

Objection: We are already working with (X)

Response:  Ask them questions why did you choose them? What is working well and what is not? Allow me to explain how our product is better and different.

  1. Locked into a contract with a competitor

It is the easiest objection to handle so far. Ask them questions about their relationship with the competitor and whether they are happy with them or not.

Objection: I am locked into a contract with the competitor.

Response: How is your relationship with the competitor? Possibly we can give you a discount to switch over with us?

  1. Cheaper version somewhere else

Find out whether the prospect is playing with you and saying that the other competitor is selling this at a lower price to get a discount.  Or he thinks that a cheaper product can fulfill his needs similar to that.

In the first situation, give them a discount and emphasize the features that make your product superior. If they want the price lower, walk away. In the second situation, take advantage of the comparison with cheaper products. Tell them the differences between both the products that it is worth buying, and not discuss the cost

Objection: I can get a cheaper version somewhere else.

Response: What are the differences between your and other product? What provides you with the most importance and approval?

  1. Happy with the competitor (X)

Find out the weak spots where your product can be found better and tell the prospect about them and that you can be more beneficial to them than your competitor.

Objection: I am happy with the competitor (X)

Response: That’s incredible. What components or characteristics of the product are you satisfied with? Let’s see how can we compare.

  1. A competitor says a false statement about your product 

When the prospect says such a thing. Just pause and answer with “That’s not true”. Be confident enough. Such a reply will satisfy the buyer and 90% of the time he will move on without asking any further questions.

If they still ask them questions, provide the information about the background of your product in response.

Objection: Competitor (X) says [ False statement about your product]

Response: We manufacture our products in the USA, not Canada. If you’d like to see it I can share with you the maps of our company and other distribution routes. 

Sales Objections About Authority or Ability to Buy

  1. Not authorized to sign off on the purchase

Ask your prospect who is the right person to speak to and then call them.

Objection: I am not authorized to off this purchase

Response: Who is the right person to speak to regarding this purchase? Can you redirect me to them, please?

  1.  I can’t sell this product internally

Ask your prospect what objections they have to face. Help them prepare the case to adopt your product. Check with marketing if there is any guarantee that can support on behalf of your product. 

Objection: I can’t sell this internally.

Response: What disapprovals do you think you will face? I have assistance material that can help you with this. Can I help you build the case for when you speak with the decision-makers?

  1.  The buyer isn’t convinced

If you are already done with handling objection # 12, and you just can’t hack it. It’s time to walk away. It’s difficult to move from a prospect who is agreeing with you but can’t convince the higher authorities. 

Objection: The economic buyer is not convinced.

Response: That’s bad.  Let me know if you change your mind. Don’t hesitate to call me, I’d love to bring your team on board. 

  1.  Being downsized/ bought out

If there is no company, there is no deal. It rarely happens, when it does there is nothing in your hand to do. Wrap the conversation/ relationship professionally.

Objection: We are being downsized/ bought out.

Response: If you need services of our product, please don’t hesitate to call me. Thank you for speaking with me regarding this product. 

  1.  Too much going on 

Ask your prospect what are their priorities right now. If they don’t tell you, it means they are just brushing you off. Oppress them why they don’t want to work with you.

If they answer you, set a meeting for follow-up as well as send helpful resources in the meantime to keep the prospect on the radar.

Objection: There is too much going on.

Response: I understand. Can you tell me about some of your present priorities? Let me know when your schedule clears up. We will set a follow-up meeting.

  1.  Part of a buying group

Buying groups enable independent companies to purchase jointly, this way they get a product or service at a far better price rather than independently. 

If you are not on the list of buying groups, most probably prospect will not be interested.  Ask for the details of their membership and decide whether it is okay to work with the prospect economically or not. 

Objection: I am part of a buying group.

Response: Are there any limitations on whom you buy from? What is the current pricing going on? 

Sales Objection About Need And Fit

  1.  Never heard about the company

When a prospect says this. Don’t start giving a speech but a quick summary of your proposition.

Objection: I have never heard of your company.

Response:  We are a company that markets ad space on behalf of publishers like you. I’d value speaking with you regarding your payment model and seeing if we can assist.

  1.  Doing Great

On this objection, ask a few more questions for clarification.

Objection: We are doing great in X area

Response: How many improvements have been made? And what are your goals further?

  1.  No business pain

When a prospect wants to take you off their back, they raise this objection or they are simply not aware of the problem yet. Ask questions and ultimately you will know if they need your product or not.

Objection: We don’t have that business pain

Response: Impressive, what solutions are you implementing on this side of the business?

  1.  The problem isn’t much important

When a prospect imposes that this problem is not very important and tries to justify their inaction. Take advantage of this and infuse a sense of urgency.

Objection: X problem is not important right now

Response:  Can you tell me more about that? What are your existing priorities?

  1.  No product benefit

Explain to the prospect how your product can solve their specific problems.

Objection: I don’t see what your product could do for me.

Response: Can you share what specific challenges are you facing right now? Perhaps our product can help you with a solution to the problem.

  1.  No product Understanding

It is bad if the prospect doesn’t understand your product. Ask them what aspects they don’t understand. Try giving answers differently. Later on, bring in the technician or engineer to convey the answers to the questions in depth.

Objection: I don’t understand your product.

Response:  What aspects do you consider confusing? I can connect you to the technician or product engineer to help you understand. This way we can assist you easily.

  1.  Complaints about company

Reviews can be a curse or a blessing. Once the prospect is done talking, respond with positive feedback. And the follow-up with an offer to add value.

Once you have given them positive feedback, it will establish trust with your prospect.

Objection: I have heard complaints about you from X company

Response: Thank you for your feedback. I will pass it along. While we are on the phone. Would you like to know about the tips of XYZ?

  1.  No capacity to implement the product

Depending on what type of product you sell, it is possible that your prospect has to divert resources to get the proper benefit of your product. If he is not able to do so, you have to disqualify them.

Objection: We can’t implement the product

Response: I understand. I want the product to add value not take it away.  Can you tell me what are your current possibilities? I’d like to explain how the product on board can ease some of those responsibilities.

  1.  Product is complicated

Find out if the product is over the prospect’s head or if he is confused about specific features. If he is confused, tell them that they will get help from customer service. But if it is over their head, you have to disqualify them.

Objection: The product is too complicated

Response: Please help me understand what features are confusing you. Our customer service team will soon be available to help you with it.

  1.  Don’t need help with your product

It is important to make your prospect feel heard. Simply rephrasing your prospect’s words can resolve many misunderstandings and hard feelings.

Objection: You don’t understand my challenges. I need help with Y, not X.

Response: Please allow me to restate what your challenges are. Let me know if I am missing something or misunderstanding.

  1.  No Business Understanding

If they say that you don’t understand our business. Chances are you have worked with companies similar to your prospect’s company. You can tell them that your company has little experience working with other companies as well.

If you made a wrong assumption somehow, don’t be afraid to own up to it. Your prospect will appreciate your candor.

Objection: You don’t understand my business

Response:  I apologize, I assumed X was true, but it doesn’t apply to your business. Can you tell me a little more about it?

  1.  No feature they need

To solve the problem you can suggest a supplement product to use with yours. But still, if your product can’t fulfill the prospect’s need, then it is not the right fit. Move forward to the new opportunity.

Objection: Your product doesn’t have the X feature, and we need it.

Response: Have you checked our supplementary product? It is a good fit alongside our X product to solve your Y problem.

  1. Happy with the things

Things may be going smoothly. But still, prospects can face some challenges. Do a light qualification to know if they are facing any problems. If not, disqualify the prospect and move on to the next one.

Objection: We are happy with the things they are.

Response: Great, Can you tell me how are solving the X problem?

  1.  No potential for ROI

If the prospect objects to something like that, it is time to prepare a formal pitch for your contact or their managers. It can either be prepared by the internal numbers provided by the prospect or customer case studies.

Objection: I don’t see a potential for ROI

Response: If you don’t mind, I’d love to show you. Can we schedule a time for a meeting where I can explain our product’s potential for higher ROI beneficial for you and your team?

  1.  Just a fad

You might hear this objection if there are newer products or inventions than yours. Now is the time of social media and you have to keep pace with it. You have to put the testimonial studies and study cases to prove that your product works and it’s a higher ROI.

Objection: X is just a fad.

Response: I understand why you think like that. Would you mind scheduling a meeting for me to explain how our product proved beneficial for other businesses to solve X and why it has to stay here?

  1.  The product doesn’t work with the current tool

If the prospect is committed to existing solutions, the objection can be a deal breaker. A workaround can be possible or sometimes it’s possible that your products can be replaced with them.

Objection: Your product doesn’t work with our current [tools, set-up].

Response: Would you mind telling me what products you currently using? What do the products help you achieve?

  1.  Too swamped to handle

 Prospects often want to cling to the same solutions and do not want to do the effort of switching to a new product. Ensure that you are trustworthy. Estimate what they stand to gain in time efficiency or money.

Objection: Your product sounds great, but I’m too swamped right now to handle (implementation, roll-out)

Response: I understand, it takes customers days or weeks to fully run or get used to the X product. How much time do you put into a task a day?

Sales Objections that Are Brush-Offs

  1.  Click

 Your prospect will hang up on you too. It happens to almost everyone eventually. Try reaching out to a different person in the company.

Depending on how the conversation went on before the hang-up, try using a different approach. You can wait a few seconds and then call.

Objection: *Click.*

Response: My apologies, look like we got disconnected, would you mind giving me your little time?

  1.  Busy right now

Every professional is busy these days. Try to have a quick chat about your product.

Objection: I am busy right now

Response: I will not take up too much of your time. Can we have a quick chat about your problems with X and how can we solve them?

  1.  Not interested

During the first call, it is too early for the prospect to say whether he is interested or not. You can send some resources or schedule a follow-up call.

Objection: I am not interested

Response: Can we schedule a time for a follow-up call? During this time, I can send you some resources to learn more about our product.

  1.  Send me the information

It is an opportunity to get into some qualification questions.

Objection: Just send me some information

Response:  I would love to send you some materials but I want to make sure they are appropriate for you. What are you curious in knowing about?

  1.  Call me back

Prospects do this to let you off their backs hoping you will disappear or won’t come back. Ask some questions to know why they are brushing you off.

Objection: Call me back next quarter.

Response: I’ll call next quarter for sure. But before we hang up, I would love to get an insight into how your next quarter will proceed.

  1.  Information Objection

Don’t go off the charts to get the information about the prospect. Simply remind them that they signed p some information or filled out the form, that is from where you get the contact.

Objection: How did you get my information?

Response: While researching, I came across your website. Believe that our X product would be a great solution for you.

  1.  Hate

It’s not always that you and your prospect get along. You can hand it over to the other person to deal with the prospect. This objection has nothing to do with the product or product value.

Objection: I hate you

Response: I apologize, Would you mind if I hand you off to my colleague? Perhaps he will be a better fit to continue with the conversation.

  1.  Not responsible to make decision

What the prospect tries to say in this objection is that he is not the right person to talk with. The decision maker may be busy or he cannot get through your email. However, starting a conversation with someone less responsible gives you direct contact with the decision maker and the conversations move along very quickly than before.

Objection: I am not responsible for making these decisions.

Response: I appreciate you letting me know you are not the right person to talk with. Can you introduce me to the one who handles these decisions?

  1.  Does your product do XYZ?

When a prospect asks this question, it means he is interested in your product. Try to end the conversation on a good note and schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss further.

Objection: Does your product do X, Y, or Z?

Response:  I am glad you asked that question. We can schedule a meeting to discuss it further along with the specialist. When is a good day or time to talk?

  1. Sorry, I have to cancel

People don’t like to say No, so they just say this to get rid of you. A similar is with your prospects.

Objection: Sorry, I have to cancel. I’ll get back to you with a better time.

Response: Commonly, when someone says this, it just means they are not interested in what I am offering. Is this the case?

  1.  Individual Contributor

Sometimes prospects keep avoiding your calls or ask vague questions about the budget or priorities you have. They are individual contributors who are not much comfortable talking on the phone as managers or decision-makers. 

It’s important to gain their trust and then ask them to move you on to the person that can make decisions on choosing your products or services or not.

Objection: Hello, You have reached the (prospects name)

Response: Have you ever purchased this type of product before? Who will continue with the buying process?

Other Common Objections And Their Responses

  1.  Too Complicated

Objection: This seems too complicated for my team to learn.

Response:  Can you tell me what seems complicated to you? Tell me and I’ll walk you through it the easy way.

  1.  Quotes for comparison

Objection: I am going to get some quotes for comparison.

Response: I am surely convinced that we will be able to save you money just like we are beneficial to the other companies. I understand the need for comparison. Would you mind telling me how many quotes you are going to get and from who?

  1.  Not comfortable 

Objection: I am not comfortable giving more information

Response: I apologize if you feel hesitant about sharing information with us. We are asking to get more detailed ideas regarding your problems so that we can help you with better understandable solutions. 

  1.  Tax/ Industry fee

Objection: Why did you add that?

Response: Sir, these fees are required and common throughout the industry. These help us in serving you better.


Objections help you sell better. All of the sale objections scripts discussed are most likely to hear during sales processes. You can get ideas from the above objections on how to respond when handling the situation as a head start. With more experience, you gain and with time, you will come up with more effective ways of handling objections. With these, you can start your path of being an objection handler easily. 

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