8 Tips For Marketers To Make An Effective Teaser Video 

admin December 20, 2022 - 12:00 pm

A teaser video is an intriguing way of attracting the audience to your services, offerings, or products. The main purpose it serves is to create hype among the people to want more.

For example, you have to introduce a new product in the market. You will make a little video of the ‘about-to-launch’ product. 

Or you can say you are collaborating with a new company, and through a teaser, you can spread this big news to aware the audience.

Now, one thing that comes to a marketer’s mind is, how to make a teaser video that is appealing, informative, and not very revealing at the same time. The tips to make a teaser video required are not anywhere else, but here. 

Main Elements Of A Teaser Video?

A teaser video should be no more than 30 seconds. In these 30 seconds, you need to fulfill the purpose of your video. You should keep in mind these 3 elements to make the 30 seconds as powerful and meaningful as you can. 

  1. Powerful Hook:

The first 3 seconds are crucial to hook up the audience. You can start with the most theatrical moment of your work, telling them why you are speaking on this matter, or with the best editing skills having cuts and transitions that tell the heart of the story in seconds. 

2. Exact Solution to the offering:

Tell the audience exactly what they will get as an end result. This way they will be eager to know about the whole product or service you are offering. 

3. A crystal clear CTA:

Tell them what they can do after watching the whole teaser. And this is the step where you will add a ‘Call to action to let them know further about what you are marketing.

Related: Best call to action for your videos

Types Of Teasers

There are various types of teaser videos and their proper usage depends upon the type of service, event or product you are presenting. Here we have discussed 6 most common types of teaser videos:

Hype TeaserThink that you want to sell a product. At first, you can hype up the audience by showing them something interesting about the product.
Sneak peek TeaserYou’ve been working n something lately, you can engage the audience by giving them a sneak peek at your work.
Explanation TeaserIt involves general information about how your product works. An explanation teaser is like an overview of any product. 
Offering TeaserAre you offering any service to the people? Tell them what are you offering in a teaser. What services you will provide and what benefit they can get?
Upcoming TeaserYou are about to upload a podcast. You can give a little teaser of your upcoming podcast by adding a clip that can develop an interest in the audience to watch more.
Event TeaserYou can tell about your upcoming event in a teaser. Telling the audience the dates of the event and what is it about, what people can attend and etc.

Tips To Make An Engaging Teaser For The Audience

Here you can find effective tricks to make a good teaser video:

🎵 Use Music 

Music is important to create an impact on the audience. It should match the type of teaser. Because music is something that can 

  • Emphasize a story.
  • Enhance the scene.
  • Helps get an emotional response from the audience.
  • Creates rhythm with the scenes and clips 

🎤 Do Voice-over

A human voice can make the audience feel that you are trustworthy. Voice adds an approachable and friendly element to the video. Thus set the tone of the video required and make it reliable for your targetted audience. 

Related: An easy guide to voice over a video

🎗️ Create awareness of your brand

If your video doesn’t have a brand name and logo, how people would know who made it? Aware the audience by having your brand name and logo at the start of the video, at the end of the video, or whenever you find it suitable to let people know about your brand in the teaser. 

# Use Hashtags 

Use effective and suitable hashtags according to the teaser. Hashtags play a great role in engaging the audience and bringing a lot of traffic to the video.

😯Bring excitement to the audience

Just like preparing a strategy for a video, teaser videos also need preparation. Strategize the story of the teaser video of your product or service in such a way that excites the audience and them want to know more about it.


If you want to make your video look more valuable and trustworthy, gather feedback from people before making the teaser video. Then add those feedback to the teaser video. Feedback adds value to the product and video also.

📱Post on Social media

Make sure to share the video on all social media platforms. It can create hype and engage more people.

📢 Use good CTAs

Adding a call to action will motivate the viewers to participate further in the video. It lets them take action and lasts an impression on the audience. Here you can find suitable call to actions for your teaser videos.


Marketing is an important task if you want to convey your message, refer a solution to a problem, aware the audience, and sell your product. It brings a larger audience when you marketize in a good way. Teasers are the basic and important part of marketing. All the given teaser video ideas and tips to make a teaser video are going to help you a lot and you will be profitable for sure next time you make a teaser.

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